Well, well, well... I'm typing this letter to you viewers to say thanks for logging on to this blogsite. But do you know where you should be? At my new website! No longer do I have to say, "Visit my blog" but "Visit my website!" The website is and it's written in bold red letters at the top of the page. It's really nice; a lot nicer than this blog.

I trust that you'll come to enjoy this. Also, I have chosen several media and entertainment websites that relate to this blog. It should be on the left side of your screen. Enjoy yourselves and remember... Jesus is LORD!

-Joshua Shephard
Editor & Founder

Visit the OFFICIAL Motown Music Crib page. It's . This page is just the extension; When you visit the MySpace page, feel free to visit the blog!



This is just a test. This is just a test. this is just a test. This is just a test. just a test. Just a test. Just a test.

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