Well, well, well... I'm typing this letter to you viewers to say thanks for logging on to this blogsite. But do you know where you should be? At my new website! No longer do I have to say, "Visit my blog" but "Visit my website!" The website is and it's written in bold red letters at the top of the page. It's really nice; a lot nicer than this blog.

I trust that you'll come to enjoy this. Also, I have chosen several media and entertainment websites that relate to this blog. It should be on the left side of your screen. Enjoy yourselves and remember... Jesus is LORD!

-Joshua Shephard
Editor & Founder

Visit the OFFICIAL Motown Music Crib page. It's . This page is just the extension; When you visit the MySpace page, feel free to visit the blog!


A video from Myspace/My news...

Hello everyone, Motown Music Crib will open officially on Labor Day weekend. I told you this before, but now, you just got to get ready! There will not be many blogs that will do what I will do in the upcoming days. I'm all about competition and uniqueness; I like to stand out. I'm not worrying about trying to attract the largest audience or try to be "on both sides" to win both sides of the crowd. What I'm focusing on is getting my points across and retaining viewer time. I don't like to see people visiting just for seconds, that means that the message wasn't really that appealing. I'm impressed with people I've personally talked to and people that have visited my blogs, they have "stayed" because there were interesting items to look at. I will be building more and more as time allows; you'll see (God's so great). I'm currently posting music video pilots to make sure that everything is all set. I'm only posting Gospel and R&B music videos, its lyrics, as well as memorable television shows and movies. I've got a snippet below from Sister Act 2 with Whoopi Goldberg having the choir sing "Oh Happy Day!" That song still makes my heart sing. Oh, Happy Day! Add to My Profile More Videos m....h

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