Well, well, well... I'm typing this letter to you viewers to say thanks for logging on to this blogsite. But do you know where you should be? At my new website! No longer do I have to say, "Visit my blog" but "Visit my website!" The website is and it's written in bold red letters at the top of the page. It's really nice; a lot nicer than this blog.

I trust that you'll come to enjoy this. Also, I have chosen several media and entertainment websites that relate to this blog. It should be on the left side of your screen. Enjoy yourselves and remember... Jesus is LORD!

-Joshua Shephard
Editor & Founder

Visit the OFFICIAL Motown Music Crib page. It's . This page is just the extension; When you visit the MySpace page, feel free to visit the blog!



Hello everybody. This is a new segment called "Friday Night Videos" on MMC. I changed the "Wednesday" to "Friday" because I want a better timeframe to write to my viewers instead of rushing because I can't have a clear train of thought that way. Motown Music Crib is dedicated to bring you videos, by audio, music video, tv shows, bloopers, whatever! It's all TV! MMC and myself, your editor Joshua, are proud to be a part of Detroit. Detroit runs through my blood (well Jesus runs through my blood too--you know what I mean). Special thanks go out to Absolute Michigan and other blogs for including me in their blogroll. Now, this is a video clip from America's Funniest Videos. This is about a 7-year-old gospel singer. I don't know if he's joking while he's singing, but it's pretty funny. Take a look at it; I'll put some more videos here, music videos and such.

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