Well, well, well... I'm typing this letter to you viewers to say thanks for logging on to this blogsite. But do you know where you should be? At my new website! No longer do I have to say, "Visit my blog" but "Visit my website!" The website is and it's written in bold red letters at the top of the page. It's really nice; a lot nicer than this blog.

I trust that you'll come to enjoy this. Also, I have chosen several media and entertainment websites that relate to this blog. It should be on the left side of your screen. Enjoy yourselves and remember... Jesus is LORD!

-Joshua Shephard
Editor & Founder

Visit the OFFICIAL Motown Music Crib page. It's . This page is just the extension; When you visit the MySpace page, feel free to visit the blog!


Wednesday Night Videos on MMC, Vol. 1

WELCOME TO "WEDNESDAY NIGHT VIDEOS ON MMC!!!" I take the time out of my "thick" schedule to post weekly Wednesday night videos. I gather very interesting videos from different websites, bringing them in the "house" so that you can "eat." Are you following me so far?, I got this video from the front page of This is a home video of three marines, army boys, soldiers, whatever you call 'em, dancing along to the popular song heard on Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, "Jump On It!" For those of you that are in different countries and do not know what that song is or even what "Fresh Prince" is, allow me to tell you. Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was a popular black TV show in the '90s, which had a successful run due to funny characters such as the main character, Will Smith. You've got to see this video, everyone. jump on it Add to My Profile More Videos

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